Jason's Thoughts

Story Sizing with '#NoEstimates'

A way to determine if a story is small enough without estimating it. TL; DR “No Estimates” is a modern movement in software development that focuses on eliminating wasteful estimates. However how...

Employee Feedback without Unicorns

TL; DR The only person qualified to give advice to an employee regarding their career is the employee. That means we need to empower the people who work for- and with- us to analyze their career. ...

Onboarding a Human Into a Human System

Onboarding is much more than a meeting with HR, it is the integration of new person. TL; DR Onboarding is an important endeavor. If we approach it seriously and conscientiously we can make the ne...

A healing work environment

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels TL; DR To be healthy, a work environment needs to be a place of healing, not only a place where no further harm is done. Healing is not always easy or com...

Making a safe place to work

Thanks This post is a special thank you to @JoshuaKerievsky. First I do not work with Joshua, or am I associated with him, however he has inspired a large amount of good things within my team. Sa...

The problem with the '#NoEstimates' Debate

The problem with the #NoEstimates debate is that both sides are not arguing the same thing and therefore the debate focuses on invalid points. The #NoEstimates hash tag has almost nothing to do wit...

Intentionally Exceptional

“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” – Steve ...

A Better Interview

As interviewing is the first impression a company has of a candidate and the first impression a candidate has of the company, it is important to get right. My goal with this article is to start an ...

Why I believe in '#NoEstimates'

Before I start, as I will be talking about different work experiences, I need to state all my opinions are my own. They do not represent the opinions of my current or past employers. That being sa...

Toxicity is Abuse

Why I am writing this This weekend I got into a lot of discussions about the responsibilities of a programmer. I heard multiple times that a programmer cannot be held responsible if they are work...